Who are we?

EconomicsHorizon is a forum for promoting economic pluralism, a setup to open up economic education, research, personal finance, market. We provide a range of perspectives to understand finance and economics presented in an engaging and accessible format.

We provide national as well as offshore business news, track market movements and detailed coverage of significant events. We create appealing digital media content to convey our thoughts and ideas and try to broaden the mindset of our readers by providing them with authentic and reliable information.

Before acting on the opinions and ideas presented here, please perform your own research and consult your financial advisor.

Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any queries regarding the content.

About Us

Hi There, I’m Shubham Bhardwaj, the founder of EconomicsHorizon.com

I’m a regular guy like you, and I began my internet profession in 2019.

Last year, I quit my work to follow my ideal life. It was frightened at first because I didn’t have any support or mentor to help me along the way. All of my trials and missteps helped me grow as a person and strengthened my commitment to helping others. I understand how difficult it is to advance in a job when you are on your own, and that is why I am here to assist you.